Results have been posted for YBC Provncial Doubles and Club 55 Canada Cup Team Provincials. Congratulations to…
Congratulations to Millie Zurowski, Lenora Wirth, Tony Chobot, and Allan Lozinski of Regina-Glencarin who will represent Saskatchewan at Nationals in Winnipeg….
Congratulations to Jutta Zarzycki, Rick Murza, Pat Sawatzky, and Doug Welsh representing Eastview Bowl in Saskatoon! They are off to the…
Congratulations to Melfort’s Herb Holoien & Norma Halladay on winning gold at this years Club 55+ High/Low Doubles Provincials…
Complete results from last weekends YBC Doubles Provincials and yesterdays Club 55+ Triples Provincials are now posted!…
Regina teams took home both the Men’s and Ladies Provincial titles in the Club 55+ Triples Provincials…